Rachael Knight is an attorney with expertise in community land tenure security, community natural resource governance, legal empowerment, and community-led conservation and cultural revitalization. She is currently a Senior Associate within the Legal Tools for Citizen Empowerment team at the International Institute for the Environment and Development (IIED). She helped to found Namati, a global legal empowerment organization that helps disenfranchised communities to understand, use, and shape the law. She created Namati’s Community Land Protection Program, then served as its Director from 2012-2017 and as its Senior Advisor from 2018-2019. In this capacity, together with land rights advocates throughout Africa, she co-created an integrated model of community land protection that is now practiced around the world. She has worked continuously as a consultant for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations since 2004. A graduate of Brown University and Berkeley Law, she recently completed a Masters degree in ethnobotany; her dissertation focused on the role of ceremony and ritual in conservation of land and sacred natural sites.